This shows Old Arenal in the pink area which is now flooded
In The 1970,s The Government Electricity Company known as ICI developed a plan to build an earthen dam on what is now the eastern end of Lake Arenal to create and hydro electrical project and produce much needed electricity for Costa Rica. The Lake would be increased to 3 times its original size in the process. The only problem other than the cost was that there was a fair sized town called Arenal in a spot that would be one of the deepest parts of the expanded lake. Another town Tronadora would also be partially sub merged as well as a number of farms and homes.
So the work commenced, at the same time personel from ICI negotiated with the residnets of Arenal, Tronadora and elsewhere to relocate. In the case of Arenal, an entire new town was planned called Nuevo (New) Arenal, with new commercial areas, church, school clinic and the many homes necessary to accomodate all the residents. This plan was not popular with all the people required to move, some had lived in the same homes for generations and in fact refused to move. In some cases families refused to vacate their homes until the water lapped onto their doorsteps.
Old Arenal, as it is now called lies under 200 feet of water. The steeple of the old church, which is closer to the shore sometimes pops up above the water when the lake is low.
Some of the old timers who now live in Nuevo Arenal pine for the good old days in their old town.
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